Vehemence in North Dakota


Blast Beats 4 Life
Apr 18, 2004
Minot, ND, USA
My friend called me today and told me about the show in Mandan next Saturday. I was like Mandan? We never get any good metal show here in ND. Whenever we want to see some tremel picking we have to drive to Fargo or Minneapolis. I'm in Minot, BTW. About an hour and a half north of Mandan. Thanks for coming to ND (central ND even!) and I will see you guys next Saturday. :Spin:
Hey whatsup? My computer has been in the shop for 3 weeks and I wasn't able to respond after the ND concert.

I liked the show alot. I have never heard any music by Anal Blast before. That is some awsome shit. The singer (screamer, I suppose) knows how to talk to the crowd and offend a few ladies. I was laughing at all the shit he was talking. But when it came to the music those guys are not to be fucked with. The blast beats were relentless and the guitar was fast. You can't beat live death metal.

Vehemence was excellent. The sound was really good. I'm not sure if it was the house sound system or the guys equipment. The shit was loud and clean. The playing was right on, real tight. Vehemence rocked out around 8 songs. Got to hear "Kill for God," one of my favorites. If I could have made the set I would have thrown "God Was Created" in there. Bands like Vehemence keep me playing guitar. Besides being a good band the guys are friendly. Even though on that cold night the guys didn't look to excited. I was lucky enough to talk to Bjorn, Mark, and Nathan. Talked to Nathan for a good 15 minutes about metal and how their tour has been. I was the guy in the blue Forum snowboards hoody. The dude from Minot, actually my friend was with me to (the short guy). The drive was about 1 and 1/2 hours, but well worth it. I felt kinda sorry that the crowd wasn't bigger. Nathan said it's what they expected. ND isn't as liberal as most places and there aren't many people who listen to true metal up here. Like the only other person I know in Minot who likes metal was at that Bismarck show. The metal minority, that what ND fans are.

Thanks again though for the awsome show. Like in an earlier post its nice to see some good fast picking. Some good ol' melodic death metal. ND never gets anything but bands like Korn and Metallica. Vehemence you should convince some of your Metal Blade buddies to come up here. At least you know one person will be at your next show.
