Vehemence - Kill For God - (Live Video) Featured on Metal Injection


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Metal Injection Live Webstream
Episode 218 - Blumpkin

This Week's Episode
An Evening w/Trivium, Videos from Trivium, God Forbid, Unearth, Slipknot and Vehemence

Download this guys, we start at 13:44 the live song feature is Kill For God. Other interviews we did were featured in later episodes. We endorse metal injection, and ill put the interviews on our website soon. The show was at our North Six performance in Brooklyn. I think The Backstage show we did in Long Island was better. Much m ore crowd response.

Youll notice Jasmine (Pornstar) opening up the show. She was also hanging out at the Keyclub venue, shes a pretty awsome metal head, no poser that for sure, she knows it all.
That was pretty fucking brutal man. Make sure to notify us when you post the interviews. The one with Trivium is pretty fucking funny... they're laying it onto the message board kids that diss them :lol:. But speaking of which, their solos in that track really caught my attention. That was pretty old school.. I"ll have to check it out.
Yeah the emo vocals are interesting, but it's the solos that sort of surprised me. If one guitarist getting like a minute of solo wasn't enough, they throw one in for the other guy right after... that's some serious Maiden shit :lol:
Yeah, after this I think Trivium is pretty gay, sure, they're fairly talented, but the music is garbage.

Though the Kill For God video fucking ruled, my favorite Vehemence song!
And WTF is this new trend in metal/hardcore where every fucking gayass band is wearing tight ass pants and small ass shirts of bands they don't even listen to?!? Looks gay as hell if you ask me.
Yeah, I've heard of that. She jsut ahd random guys lining up to give it to her. Should have asked her afterwards if it was worth the STDs.
Gangbangs are fucked up... she should have at least raised some charity. Like have ever guy bring $100 to stick it in. Then donate it somewhere.

Also whats the point in bragging about having 500 dicks in your ass? Sounds like plain stupid to me.