Vehemence Video Interview

I have watched every episode of LA METAL, and will continue to do underground metal!!!! I personally think I was brilliant in the interview....and Mark was pretty funny... Ace, Gil, and that chick rule!!!!(ahhh, Leah) It seems as though they are no longer on real television though, only the web, so its time for y'all to upgrade to cable modems...
LA Metal is comming back in August, and they are trying to fund these fests but they are really not making enough money to keep everything non-stagnant, so that sucks.

The Behemoth interview was cool. Anyone heard of Robs Metal Works in San Antonio/Austin TX, they did a whole feature on us, ill try to encode it someday and put it on the website. (They sent me the tape)
Yeah, I saw this video of Robbs Metal Works while at John's house, and it kicked ass....The interview was pretty good, and the way they put the show together was awesome!!

The guy that does the interviews and hosts the shows is a bit on the weird side though...He talks like he is a newcaster or like he is reporting from Iraq or was funny, but weird....:hotjump: