Velvet Revolver-Contraband 2004

Haaa haaa. Just read the review. The song titles with the smilies behind them are hilarious!! Good review though. You can see that you know what you are talking/writing about. Way to go 6 \m/
Hawk said:
Haaa haaa. Just read the review. The song titles with the smilies behind them are hilarious!! Good review though. You can see that you know what you are talking/writing about. Way to go 6 \m/

its kinda funny 9 chances out of 10 if sixx pans an album I will not buy it hahahaha I still havnt picked up the new thrax because of his review of it hahaha
hahahahahha I bet I'v looked at it prolly 2 dozen times but at $24 bucks I just dont know hahahhaha I have found Better things to spend my money on .... When Frankie Left so did my interest
Hawk said:
Haaa haaa. Just read the review. The song titles with the smilies behind them are hilarious!! Good review though. You can see that you know what you are talking/writing about. Way to go 6 \m/
I just had to have some fun with it, I mean I wasted 70 mins. of my life that I will NOT get back listening to that disc! Glad you were amused by the review. Thanks for the Kind words too JD!!!!!