Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dead.


Aug 6, 2012
An attempt to change public opinion by calling the public scum. This was clearly a well thought commentary on the situation that isnt diluted with emotion and contempt.
Well the the onion sucks! Using topless and Chaves in the same headline - and the body ain't even cold yet!! For shame...

And AllShallFall, you're a fucking tard.
I ain't even going to start explaining how an elected leader ain't no dictator and the difference between socialist and communist. Not that there is anything wrong with communism. (But socialism is better.)

How exactly is this going to affect the USA?
Well the stockmarket just got a hard on - all that oil. Finally it can be put in the hands of suit wearing sociopaths. Where it belongs. And not going to new schools and other evil doing socialist programs. Healthcare for the non-rich!? Honestly, who has ever heard of such a thing!?! Must be satan at work.
But now Venezuela can finally receive Jesus the right way.

Overwatch - please stop trying. Thank you.

Calling the public scum?
Scum is scum, what can I say? If the shoe fits?
May I suggest stop kicking a dead man??... No?
Like I said - scum.
I frankly don't know all that much about Chavez. I got a kick out of his ability to publicly thumb his nose at the US.....and still be able to make money of US auto owners.

But your rhetoric is equally amusing in it's ignorance of -isms; their history and economic impacts.

Apparently they are going to stuff him so all you fascist fucks can suck his ass anytime!!
Hugo Chavez will never die!!!
:fu: :fu: :fu:
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He certainly did a lot for the poor of his country, but not someone I would want running my country.