VENGEFUL - Former Drummer Rejoins The Fold


New Metal Member
Mar 20, 2008
"We comeback with refreshing news. We will re-re-record the drums for our next album in July (DETHKLOK anyone???). It’s with great pleasure that we welcome back Etienne Gallo (NEGATIVA, AUGURY) as a fill-in drummer for the upcoming recordings. Most people don’t know that Gallo was actually Vengeful’s first drummer during the early stages. Even though we’re very happy to have him behind the drumkit the drummer slot is still open so interested drummers can contact us through

As promised it’s now time to release a new song for the faithful out there. We give you 'Twisted Side'. This track will NOT appear on our second album. It’s actually a rough mix of an old song that was updated to our modern sound. It doesn’t necessarily represent the direction of the new material but we thought it could keep some of you interested. We’re aiming for a fall release. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Until next time beware of the Origin!!!!!"