Very cool Evergrey article at Brave Words website!

That one rocked!!! Woooooot I'll take that US tour with Hammerfall!!! It's better than no tour at all!!!

And Tom
"By the way," Englund adds. "Why is this Brave Words thing being held in the States when the beer is better in Canada?"

Sorry man but NO FUCKIN WAY :D

Originally posted by the ruler of the mind
i wanna see evergrey in concert so bad, but i live in socal and the bw&bk thing is in cleveland. if you guys do go on tour with hammerfall don't forget the west coast. :)

I live in Northern Cal and I am going to see them at the BW&BK and Prog Power USA \m/ whats the problem man, get out to see them!!! Support I tell you Support!!!!!!!

I think Hammerfall blows... but if that's the only way we can get an Evergrey U.S. tour... than so be it... I hope to see Evergrey multiple times this year.
Well ok you got me there. Bummer little man, I am sure you will get to see them some day!! They will be out here on tour eventuallly!!

I HOPE!!! \m/><\m/


anyone who has not seen evergrey..... man, get your asses out to see them. i saw them at wacken and even though they had equipment problems, they were in the top two best bands i have seen yet!!! The only band i would argue may be better is symphony x... but that's me comparing seeing evergrey at a huge festival and seeing symphony x literally a foot away from me.... go figure. the point is that they are amazing live, sound very faithful to the cd (which is not bad!!!) and are just amazing. tom seems to have even more emotion live which is almost unbearable..... it's wonderful! cheerz tom!!!