VERY EARLY happy birthday wishes...


The one and only!
Apr 2, 2005
Nederweert, Holland
Due to lack of time and a lot of thing on my mind tomorrow, I'm posting this one day too early....:blush:

But, for May 21st I wish you a happy birthday, Ed Platt...

ENJOY!!!:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:


HAPPY Bday Eddie!

Get your girl to buy you a double neck. I was checking out the one Mike Rutherford is going to use for the tour (no Hackett --- :mad: ) , and the bass detaches. It looks sweet.

Have a good day,
What is wrong with you People!? Ed ? Birthday?? Has?? :insertangrysmiley
Ed is timeless!

As you can see in various articles: (the ed.)
Thank You all for being so thoughtful with the Birthday Wishes. You are just the coolest of people.

You all rule! I really appreciate the thoughts.