Very funny thread

Haha holy fuck I've seen the first two pictures and I know what the whole thread is gonna be like. :lol:
The OP got busted for trolling a few pages in. Dunno where he got the pictures from though. She is horrendous, which is unfortunate for her.
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Bah... they deleted it! :(

It was basically a post like that one above, where a guy posted a pic of his apparent girlfriend modelling with his car. Now she had a decent body but man... every single pic she had the same horrible expression, bad teeth, and the absolute WORST eye make up ever. It was pretty horrible! Needless to say, hilarity ensued (or cruelty, depending on how you saw the thread). It definitely got a bit much but some of the replies were absolute gold!

EDIT: This spread around the net quite a bit, and here's a thread on another forum with some of the gold replies:
Bah... they deleted it! :(

It was basically a post like that one above, where a guy posted a pic of his apparent girlfriend modelling with his car. Now she had a decent body but man... every single pic she had the same horrible expression, bad teeth, and the absolute WORST eye make up ever. It was pretty horrible! Needless to say, hilarity ensued (or cruelty, depending on how you saw the thread). It definitely got a bit much but some of the replies were absolute gold!

EDIT: This spread around the net quite a bit, and here's a thread on another forum with some of the gold replies:

ah, I saw posts of that thread on another forum -much like we are doing here.

fuck that chick is freaky looking but had seen worse (like the pics in the thread above).
Just her fucking drugged out expression and bad nose and teeth really make me feel crook in the guts. :puke:

some of the replies on the thread you posted are gold, LT.

Especially this GIF:

and this pic:
Some of the responses in those threads were hilarious. I always hope the subjects of the photos never see them; unfortunately that Asian chick did though.