very short clip from wacken

At least you can tell what the song is in the clearer part, Brave New Hell!

We need more clips, still can't believe nobody has a bootleg of this damn show, I NEED IT!
What is the status of the DVD dammit? I thought it was coming out in Early 2006 but I haven't heard a thing about it.
As it was posted in a couple of other threads, it's a matter of roadrunner being fucking pricks. Thanks for the's a real teaser for the real thing on DVD =)
Jinn said:
Holy shit that bass drowned everything.

Yeah, the bass was a bit too loud, even for bass loving Cis. But still a brilliant gig!
And I love Ethers video, with all the banging heads and evil hands, haha- CULT!!
Need more Bloodbath gigs!!!!!!!!!
:cool: nice clip... I remember there was another Bloodbath-Wacken-clip somewhere around here, wasn't it a 'So You Die'-clip? That rocked!!!