Very strange review

Even though Jag Panzer can be seen as Iced Earth's little brother

I have no idea what this person is talking about here, Jag's sound is nothing like Iced Earth's & as you said earlier you've been doing records longer.

Shame about the Spartan production, though
Spartan means bald, bare, bare-bones, barren, or bleak, and this album
has one of the best productions I've heard. I was actually talking with Chris the other night about your guitar tone on the album!
None of Jim's productions are "spartan" so this reviewer is probaly consuming alot of Sudafed..or is just a moron.

Most likely the latter

In all honesty Jag Panzer doesn't have the same brilliant songwriter Iced Earth does

Why the constant IE comparisons? Jag & Iced Earth sound nothing alike.

But still not as good as cd's from the really big bands in the genre.
Yes, because it's common knowledge that only popular bands put out quality releases.

This guy sucks...​
You have to wonder about a reviewer that can't even get some of the song titles right ("Preciple" whast the hell is that?) or some of their attributes. Just makes me laugh, I know we're not going to please everyone, but you could at least be well informed when you spout your opinions.
I have a feeling that this retard listened to some 3rd generation rip rather than the actual album. :Smug:

EDIT: And as much as I like Iced Earth, you guys are miles ahead of Jon "I recycle all my riffs from our first three albums" Schaffer in terms of songwriting.
Briody said:
I wrote the guy and asked him about his comments. I don't get the 'little brother to Iced Earth' comment, we've been doing albums for longer then IE.

As if you're desperately obsessed by Iced Earth and copy them in every aspect... The guy's a lamer...

He also says the album won't sell because of 'too many tempo-changes and contra-melodies". I don't know about this guy....

C'mon, is he a metalhead or what?! :yuk:
What the hell is he talking about?! Since when should a honest metal band worry about the sales? I can tell he's heavily into overdone and always-the-same German/Finnish/Italian/Swedish happy cheesy "power" metal....
The policy of the record companies really gets on my nerves, it seems they all seek only the milionth Stratovarious clone, since there are truckloads of such bands already.

Jean-Pierre said:
EDIT: And as much as I like Iced Earth, you guys are miles ahead of Jon "I recycle all my riffs from our first three albums" Schaffer in terms of songwriting.

The guy pushes his style, you could say then that Maiden recycled their riffs throughout the 80s (and apparently did :D), but who cares, when the songs are killer? ;)
People seem to have a lot of different views. Just because Mark is friends with Jon and such then they are obviously lapdogs to Iced Earth. What shit.

Its just his opinion and thats what makes reviewers idiots most of the times. Thats why I cant stand Martin Popoff. He says Lake of Tears is one of the best and most enjoyable metal bands(Which I DO agree with, I love em) but then he says Seventh Son is a lame album. All in opinion.
Hey Mark, It's GREEK. Whaddya expect? Typical of jealous southeastern europeans... Too close to the M.E. ya know. :worship: Let's see what the real European reviews say. Why don't some of the fans over there set the record straight. This guy reviews metal and says Harry's voice is a liability. Hmmm... Must also be a Green Bay fan. :yuk: Flog him immediately.
Hey Mark, It's GREEK. Whaddya expect? Typical of jealous southeastern europeans... Too close to the M.E. ya know. :worship: Let's see what the real European reviews say. Why don't some of the fans over there set the record straight. This guy reviews metal and says Harry's voice is a liability. Hmmm... Must also be a Green Bay fan. :yuk: Flog him immediately.

Nope, Dutch. Well, they're just frustrated wanna-be Germans. Same as Greece... Flog them.
Steve the Viking Fan said:
Hey Mark, It's GREEK. Whaddya expect? Typical of jealous southeastern europeans... Too close to the M.E. ya know. :worship: Let's see what the real European reviews say. Why don't some of the fans over there set the record straight. This guy reviews metal and says Harry's voice is a liability. Hmmm... Must also be a Green Bay fan. :yuk: Flog him immediately.

Nope, Dutch. Well, they're just frustrated wanna-be Germans. Same as Greece... Flog them.
Hey Steve,

Good to see you hear! I missed the game yesterday...URGHH!

Anyway that review is from the Netherlands, not Greece. The other one (very positive) is from Greece.

Steve the Viking Fan said:
Nope, Dutch. Well, they're just frustrated wanna-be Germans. Same as Greece... Flog them.
You mean like Americans are just frustrated wanna-be Mexicans? :D

Hasta LaVista baby! :lol:
The only thing i cant hink of why he's writing this is:
sometimes (=very often) journalists (and who writes on websites/zines and magazines) do not search for informations about a band they do not know and as a result they review a old school band a newbie... :yuk:
Not be a poopy... the new album rules. Yes I downloaded it, and yes, I'm buying it. I've set money aside for it since last year!

This review is odd, and I don't agree with it. This is album of the year for me... maybe even of the last 2 years.
Sometimes I download stuff from albums that arent released yet. Hel I've had most of the new Deth for two months. but I bought it as soon as it came out. But I wont download anything from Jag Panzer unless its on their site. I respect these guys way too much and I feel for em because I know what down to earth people they are.
Briody said:
Hey Steve,

Good to see you hear! I missed the game yesterday...URGHH!

Anyway that review is from the Netherlands, not Greece. The other one (very positive) is from Greece.


See what I get for giving up drinking. And I should apologize for the non-diplomatic nonsense. I sound like I'm on the Kerry campaign or the CBS news. See that damn lack ethyl alcohol again... Our Minnesota Vikings look huge though...