"VH1 Rock Docs - The Women of Sunset Strip" Airing This Friday


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch this since Nick and I will be out of town this weekend, but I figured I'd share this bit of news with the rest of you.

From Bitch's myspace blog:

This Friday, April 3rd at 11pm on VH1, I will be featured in "VH1 Rock Docs - The Women of Sunset Strip". I did an extensive on-camera interview. I have no idea how much of it "ended up on the cutting room floor", but the producers confirmed that I did, in fact, make the final cut in some way, shape or form. I'm sure y'all will see alot of other familiar faces as well....So check your local listings!
~ Betsy Bitch ~

I haven't really heard anything else about this, but I'm sure Vixen's got to be included in there somewhere as well. :rock:

EDIT: WOW! Way to let me down VH1! I just did a quick google search for this and here's what came up on VH1's website:
Behind every great man there's a great woman...
...And another, another, and another

They were Single, Sexpots, Strippers, Sinners and Saints. They were the female unsung heroes who lived and died for a unique group of bad-ass rocker boys, who came to Hollywood and dared to dream...

Once upon a time there was an unprecedented decade of debauch and decadence known as the 1980s. Wall Street was booming, cocaine was the chic drug of choice, and the perversion of the Reagan era -- when bigger really meant better - was personified by the excess of L.A.'s notorious Glam Metal scene. The setting was an island of metal misfits called the Sunset Strip. And the denizens who ruled were the heavy hitting hair bands and the women who loved them.

This is the story of the mistresses of metal who helped propel the likes of Tommy, Nikki, Slash, Axl, Blackie, Jani (and many others) from fledgling musicians without so much as a place to hang their top hats, to maniacal mega-superstars. We'll give props where props are due as these boys could not have made it without the insane devotion and sacrifice of the girls who clothed, bathed, fed, housed, whored and even saved their lives.

Read more of the description here.

So never mind the fact that there were women out there making music like the guys were ... let's only focus on the women who fucked and sucked every guy on the Sunset Strip and then made sure that their boys went to rehab or at least didn't choke on their own vomit. I thought since this featured Bitch, that they were actually going to talk about music for a change and not the shambles of celebrity lives. Ugh! Like Vh1 doesn't already do enough on Brett Michales failed love life. :rolleyes: :Smug:

Anyone else have thoughts on this?