

Oct 14, 2003
Did anyone see "When Metal Ruled The World" sunday night on VH1? Was it any good? Didn't even know this was coming on, saw some postings on another brd about it.
metal rules the world now my friend.i dont think i can ever remember it being so popular as it is now.its just a damn shame that we've got bands like limp wrizted to thank for it.
i mean-a few years ago,my eldest boys friends thought i was a bit odd,with my music playing and tastes and funny hair,but now it's like -your dads so cool.weird isnt it?
I didn't see it, but I agree with baldyboy, metal rules now. I cannot remember any time when it was more popular. I mean in the eighties there was a lot of good music being produced but I don't think it was any popular, and rockers were given the name of metalers sinking down real metal even further.

I apologize for my off topic as well.
I saw it. I loved it. I love shows like that when they talk about Metal
and Hard Rock from back in the day. I thought too many musicians were
missing from the narrative. Frank Banali was Quiet Riot was on,
Bobby from Ratt was on, Vince and his big fat drunken pumpkin head were on,
and former managers and Penelope Spheeris who directed "Decline of
Western Civilization 2:The Metal Years" was on. She'll always be cool
for having Megadeth during Dave's wasted years included in that Decline
movie. Bret Michaels was on too. They spent a lot of time talking about
the LA Scene back inthe early 80's and stuff. They also had Doc McGhee
on and he was a nothing in contribution. They also had the guy who sang
for Faster Pussycat and he was alright, and they also had Lonn Friend
from RIP on. I think Lonn's cool. They should have had more narrative
from him. I would have liked to have seen people like Lita Ford, Slash and
Tommy Lee and Blackie Lawless and Chris Holmes on since GNR and WASP
were mentioned quite a bit. If I remember right, my mind is going in my old age, they really didnt talk about the heavier LA Thrash stuff at all. No
mentioning of Megadeth or Slayer.

Riki Rachtman was on too and they used him a lot....since he hosted
the Ball and had the Cathouse in L.A.
I know everyone loves to clown on Riki Rachtman but he's a cool guy
who got a bad rep from MTV because MTV wanted to play Poison and
Slaughter on the Headbangers Ball and most of the Ball fanatics wanted
more thrash and death metal stuff. It's rather odd that Slaughter could
have the number one skullcrusher of the week when in company with
Biohazard and Slayer. Riki's actually a very cool guy. I traded mail with
him about 6 months ago. He's not a dweeb like everyone says he is.
sixxswine said:
Wow. Officernice, sounds like I missed a hell of a show!

check vh1.com for program listings. They'll run it 100 times....
I bet you it's on this weekend....
For those into the heavier metals, this wasn't the show for you. No Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, etc... It was nearly all about hair metal, as Mr. Nice says. I though it pretty cool, though, how they described the scene, non-stop banging, binging, purging. Good for an hour's entertainment.
They also showcased the cause for the decline, the Seattle scene. Vince made the point that metal (hair metal) was all about enjoying shit, taking risks, excesssssss everything, having a ball, living large, whereas the music that took over in the early '90s was all about hate, rage, pain, suffering, and people fuckin' loved it, and he to this day can't understand why it was so popular.

My take is that metal is better for it --although the scene died as a result, metal today is as good as ever cause it was forced to change.
Insania said:
My take is that metal is better for it --although the scene died as a result, metal today is as good as ever cause it was forced to change.
Yeah, an hours worth of excessive drugs, bad behavior which is funny,
banging groupies. Gotta love that. I hate to agree with Vince, but he
was not far off. IMO. I mean, the hard rock/glam fag stuff was never my
thing really but people like to go out and have a good time and drink and
meet girls and that grunge stuff flipped the whole vibe over. If I am just
hanging out I could deal with grunge stuff but if I really wanna go out
and party my nuts off and have a good time and meet hot women,
I'd want to see music that puts me in the mood.
Hard Rock was better for that than Nirvana ever was.
I agree with you about the scene. It got way too overexposed and the
record companies sunk their claws into the music they never cared
about anyway when they saw they could make money and they just
took the spirit out of the scene and tons of crappy bands were being
thrown into the scene and it made the scene worse for it.
They're doing it now with Rap, and that's fine with me- Rap never
did much for me. When the scene died, the good bands stuck around
like the heavier stuff and lots of shitty piss music died.
When the scene died, we finally got rid of Warrant.
And along the way, fresh new energy was given into this scene of ours
and better metal was the result of it.
It was a pretty entertaining show. Pretty much the rise and fall of glam metal, but I would have much rather seen more thrash, classic, and death metal, but it is a commercial show. The only thing is that they portray hair metal as all metal in a way which is misconcieving, but overall I did enjoy the show.
OfficerNice said:
Yeah, an hours worth of excessive drugs, bad behavior which is funny,
banging groupies. Gotta love that. I hate to agree with Vince, but he
was not far off. IMO. I mean, the hard rock/glam fag stuff was never my
thing really but people like to go out and have a good time and drink and
meet girls and that grunge stuff flipped the whole vibe over. If I am just
hanging out I could deal with grunge stuff but if I really wanna go out
and party my nuts off and have a good time and meet hot women,
I'd want to see music that puts me in the mood.
Hard Rock was better for that than Nirvana ever was.
I agree with you about the scene. It got way too overexposed and the
record companies sunk their claws into the music they never cared
about anyway when they saw they could make money and they just
took the spirit out of the scene and tons of crappy bands were being
thrown into the scene and it made the scene worse for it.
They're doing it now with Rap, and that's fine with me- Rap never
did much for me. When the scene died, the good bands stuck around
like the heavier stuff and lots of shitty piss music died.
When the scene died, we finally got rid of Warrant.
i'm not totally sure that we did get much better stuff after grunge.what did we get from 94 onwards that was better than before?maybe some stuff i guess-machine head released burn my eyes,life of agony released river runs red.but we also had korn(y),limp wrizted,stained(i dont need to tell you the type of stain-needless to say it was brown).
this is just the mainstream i guess,the heavier side of metal seemed to have gone from strength to strength.everywhere you go now,your practically falling over melodic/death/black/ grindcore/wtf bands.
i liked some grunge stuff.there i said it.i understand if you boys never talk to me again but you cant argue against bands like soundgarden and alice in chains(well i suppose saYer will say they sucked but,hey,no surprise there.)
baldyboy said:
i liked some grunge stuff.there i said it.i understand if you boys never talk to me again but you cant argue against bands like soundgarden and alice in chains

I totally dug the grunge scene, don't give a shit what others think. :) It's funny how grunge is the dirty word now like metal was 10 years ago. The grunge/underground scene was like any other scene, you had your good, your bad and your over hyped.
totally.i can just see the people in 10 years time going-yeah,limp bizket were really cool really.not.
no-your right greeno,doesnt matter what type of metal it is,theres always gonna be the good,bad and ugly in the genre and people do remember the good ones.i just hope in 10 years it will be limp who?stained what?creed wtf you on about man.?
also we're getting a lot of what people are calling post hardcore emo over here in the uk-bands like funeral for a friend-have you had them over your way at all?
Greeno said:
Lonn was the man. What ever happened to him?
Lonn was ousted from RIP magazine and then RIP turned into bad homo
trash. I dont know what happened to him for a few years but lately and for
the longest time he's been doing work for knac.com

His "Friend At Large" segments on Headbangers Ball were damn cool
baldyboy said:
also we're getting a lot of what people are calling post hardcore emo over here in the uk-bands like funeral for a friend-have you had them over your way at all?

Heard the name but not the music.
baldyboy said:
i'm not totally sure that we did get much better stuff after grunge.what did we get from 94 onwards that was better than before?maybe some stuff i guess-machine head released burn my eyes,life of agony released river runs red.but we also had korn(y),limp wrizted,stained(i dont need to tell you the type of stain-needless to say it was brown).
this is just the mainstream i guess,the heavier side of metal seemed to have gone from strength to strength.everywhere you go now,your practically falling over melodic/death/black/ grindcore/wtf bands.
i liked some grunge stuff.there i said it.i understand if you boys never talk to me again but you cant argue against bands like soundgarden and alice in chains(well i suppose saYer will say they sucked but,hey,no surprise there.)
I saw Soundgarden back in 91 and it was awesome. Cornells screaming
and Thayils thick and chunky barrage of riffing was cool.
I saw Alice in Chains on their very first tours before and right after the
release of Facelift. Back then, "Grunge" had not been invented as a term.
Alice in Chains was metal. Layne had long hair and then dreads which
was not done by metal people back then. Layne actually kinda did it first.
And I prefer Soundgardens earlier work to their latter work. Once the Sab/Zep
riff comparisons started happening Soundgarden changed too much for
me. Without mainstream hard rock and the grunge stuff (for a laugh if you
have not seen The Ben Stiller Show's skit "The Grungies" -you must! It's
hilarious!) Mainstream music was jack shit. Then when they found Green
Day, all was better in commercial rock. There was nothing good coming
after the major collapse. That says something. Says good music was killed
by Record Company Greed. The Metal world recovered for the better, but
now it's becoming all the same. Too much of the same. Metal right now
IMO is waiting for the next heavy cool thing. I dont think IMO we need
any more bands coming out and doing the same thing. Bands need to
start experimenting and getting more creative.IMO.