VHS to Computer?


Nails or Flippers..?
Feb 14, 2002
U.S. Georgia
I have a live in seol cob bootlet on tape that i want to get onto my computer. Does anybody know how to do this? If i can get them on my computer I'll probably put them on my website if i can.


Slay Ye Later...
theres bound to be some way to do it but you probably need a million cables and the right hookups on your board. not too sure tho. it will probably only work with a newer vcr.
Record the VHS tape to a digital camcorder and then transfer the tape from the digital camera to the computer through a USB cable. That's how I do it, but you need the proper software.
I can make it with computers TV card... just put videos AV-cable to card... then it will play your vhs on computer screen... you also need software which comes with tv-card...:) there can also be easier way...:)
USB? I had no idea that you could do that.... heh.... im gonna have to get a digital cam corder when i get the money.... anyone got any idea how much they cost? A good one?
hahaah i bought TV cards back in the day and i could never get one of them to work correctly.... so in my opinion... FUCK TV CARDS!
oh... you better have over 192 mb RAM with tv-card... and a fucking bid HD...
buy a digital video camera... its best way to do it... and costs a lot of money...:(