Vid of my drummer from Skylab

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
We posted a vid of the drum parts from "Towards the Remote Future" from our album, Artificial. I know he's a good friend and he's my drummer and all, but the guy still floors me with his technique and ability:

If the vid doesn't load here just go to and click on the videos tab.

holy fuckin shit dude...................

being a big skylab excited!!!!! this guy is nuts

also i have been handing out your cd so i hope you have obtained more views.

edit: dude im so excited for the band, this guy is in awe
Steve, yer the man! Yeah thanks to you lots of ppl have been checking us out...hopefully soon we'll be able to take it live. Got another guitarist possibly to help me out while I play and sing. Also a full time sound engineer/programmer, so we should be set.
That's what I figured. But the reason I ask is because it sounded like he WASN'T doing it later on in the song. Either way, cool.
Check out the song on the page and it'll prolly make more sense. There are just two parts of the song that have those little pauses. Towards the end is the other one. The blasting without the pauses is the chorus-y part.

We should post ourselves playing Do Not Speak by Anaal Nathrakh. That would be cool.