Video clip


Dec 29, 2005
North Cape
To the borkendales:

How 'bout shooting a video clip from the recording, or even just some funny shit, and posting it here? Even just something filmed with a regular digital photo camera would be awesome. We want to see what's up!:headbang:
yeah i'd love to see that too. a videoclip like the one on the special edition of Epic.
btw do you really live in North Cape? how's the weather up there..?
Heh.. Yeah, I live by North Cape. The weather.. well. We had a week of summer in May. Then we had another winter. The winter ended somewhere around midsummer, when most of the snow disappeared, but was followed by the fall. We haven't had summer here this year. :S
well that doesnt sound so bad. here where i live i'm getting sick of this heat.. :/ global warming is really starting to kick in.
you must see the northern lights every night in winter, don't you?
Yeah, in winter we can see the northern lights all the time. It's beautiful. It's like a green snake crawling in the sky, with purple and pink edges. And it moves really fast sometimes, so it's pretty awesome.

But how 'bout some response from the band? Come on, guys!
Patience, Grasshopper... :lol: Give them time. I'm sure they're busy getting the next CD ready.

Great art, like all good things, should not be rushed. :)