Video: Crazy Moshers @ Ozzfest

..This is why I hate the people that love the mallcore/metalcore and all the other associated "cores" that spew out that crappy music. My idiotometer actually hurts just watching it. Call me judgemental if you like.
I don't think you're being judgemental. It makes me wonder if those people even go there to listen to the music. I think it might be a macho thing. You never see women moshing. 99% of them are men.

*EDIT*Mallcore should be a genre.
um... mallcore is a genre, also known as nu-metal. I have seen plenty of women mosh. the majority are men, but i've seen women in just about every pit i've seen. Willingly.
I'm not much of a mosher, but i don't see what the hell is wrong with it. This is a little extreme, but moshing in general is cool. Just a way to enjoy music.
Also, in the interview with lamb of god, they said they would never do that themselves and he said in seattle he saw a kid in a wheelchair in the wall of death :lol:
You mean hasn't gotten repeated concussions, mangled fingers and serious case of kaiphosis from being in mosh pits and he STILL writes music that bad?

(Low blow... but it was a joke.)
I know that some people go to concerts just to start shit in the moshpit. They will enter the pit and literally just start beating the shit out of people. Usually when I'm at a concert and people like that try to push me around, I just make sure crashing into me hurts as much as humanly possible. Elbows are good.
aiwass said:
I know that some people go to concerts just to start shit in the moshpit. They will enter the pit and literally just start beating the shit out of people. Usually when I'm at a concert and people like that try to push me around, I just make sure crashing into me hurts as much as humanly possible. Elbows are good.
I don't go into the pits...but I like to sit outside and when I see those people that do that like you describe, we rush in and take them OUT!

My old band use to play at a place that had large concrete pillars in the middle of the floor, there were many dumb.

That video sucked...why the hell is he asking about braveheart? That movie came out in 95 and those guys would've been like 4.
I think moshing is pretty gay, but if thats the way people wanna "enjoy" their concert, fine by me, as long as they stay the fuck away from where me or anyone else who doesn't wanna be a part of it is standing. Seriously, I was on the edge of a pit during a band opening for SymX, I was so fucking close to decking this asshole who felt the people on the outside of the pit are supposed to "cushion" them when they go flying...
You guys need to take a lesson. You're aren't a tr00 metalhead until you mosh. Or until you're onstage and say fuck into the mic every other sentence to come across tough. Remember mindlessly tackling each other and saying "fuck" all the time is what makes us metal.


Enough with the sarcasm. Lamb of God sucks my dick. And so do mallcunts.
The difference between mallcore kids and metalheads is that the MAJORITY of metalhead kids go to a concert and seriously look out for each other in pits and like to have a good time. While on the other hand mallcore kids go to concerts and act like dicks in the pit because it's a "macho" thing to say "I went into the pit and fucked people up." I have been to both types of shows and you can always tell the difference when seeing Opeth in concert (yes their are pits) and seeing Slipknot for example. To go to a true metal show is to go somewhere to enjoy a pretty passionate part of you life while going to a mallcore show is like going to a fight club to prove something... I guess

Yeah I guess everyone else already said all that but I wanted to put in my 2cents
nataservant said:
The difference between mallcore kids and metalheads is that the MAJORITY of metalhead kids go to a concert and seriously look out for each other in pits and like to have a good time. While on the other hand mallcore kids go to concerts and act like dicks in the pit because it's a "macho" thing to say "I went into the pit and fucked people up."
I guess this was my point earlier. Moshing isn't bad in itself because people chose to enjoy the music that way. I've been to so many shows where i'm on the outskirts of a pit and people do apologise when they run into me. Not always, but i think the mentality is different with metal.
Any kind of moshing that starts near me usually stops really quick. I have a short fuse and if somebody starts banging up agaisnt me at a concert they find themselves on their ass real quick.

I don't mind if they wanna all go find their own spot to push and shove then more power to them. But leave the people who want to headbang, cheer, stand and enjoy the music alone.
That is insane, and to be honest, rather frightening to me.

Before I get a bunch of garbage about being a "wuss" or whatever, let me explain a little more carefully--I'm 5'5", IF even that, and not exactly good at fighting my way out of something like that. I would love to see an Opeth or SymX concert, but I hope it wouldn't be a thing like that!
I was at an Opeth show once where the crowd went so nuts that I fell over, and two strangers picked me up and helped me. That's true metal. I think moshing is stupid, but if you find enjoyment in throwing yourself against sweaty, boney bodies, don't do it around me. People don't realize how dangerous it is. If those people hadn't picked me up when they did, would that stampede of Opeth-hungry fans overtaken me?