Video for a Pop/Punk band I recorded last spring

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Heavy emphasis on the "pop." This stuff is pretty much out in left field compared to what I normally record, but I'll work with anyone. Turned out, it was a lot of fun.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by this video. ....and I was shocked to see a Hellraiser in it! I guess all my ranting & raving about Schecters sank in :Spin:

I must be clear: I didn't shoot this video, I only did the mix!

There's also a 720p version I recommend checking out.

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Great work man! I often see the metal guys making this kind of music sounding too heavy but you just nailed that Blink-or-whatever-pop-punk-sound. Well done!
Snare was a Pork Pie acrylic, drums were all natural except the kick, which was Slate "Green Day."

Also, I must mention, there's absolutely no reverb on the drums at all. Just an Sm7 out in the room smashed with a Distressor for a little Ambiance.

Vocals, well, hey, had to hit the pitch-correction pretty hard.
They're coming back in May for another album, hopefully they'll have some shows under their belt & a more refined approach to vocals. I do believe the singer is taking lessons, as well.
