Video From My Home Studio (Acoustic Treatment & Rack Walkthrough)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Did these earlier today, when I picked the 1176s up from the workshop. Thought to finally give a bit of a quick run through of my mixing and DI tracking space, since people have been asking about it for a while. Nothing overly produced, just cam recordings with snoozefest narration, but I hope you get something from them all the same.

I hope to get some time to do more produced videos that deal more directly with different aspects of record production in the future.


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ahhh this is why I love you ermz haha.. and i never get tired of listening to music and kicking back in that room! :p it's the fucking epitome of cool! You should have shed more light on the awesome couch you have too! No 'studio' is complete without the uber comfy client couch/ bed haha.
I noticed you overlooked the sansamp, not getting much use anymore?
Thanks guys. In retrospect, I apologize for the accent... it's the only one I have.

With the Sansamp, it's not so much that I don't use it, but rather that it doesn't excite me very much. It basically just does distortion/grit with some stupidly named controls on the front. It takes a ton of processing to make it fit into the mix, so it doesn't immediately give you a 'wow' factor like the other gear does. I'm sure if you ran it into a bass amp, guitar power amp or whatever and into a Recto cab it would induce more boners, but for now it's just a little grit box.

For reference, here was that Memnoir rough mix I was talking about in the videos: One Preview 2.mp3

It's not finished yet, but it illustrates the stuff I was talking about... hopefully. Also using the Sansamp on the bass grit there, bringing some of the 'clack' out during the verses.
Nice videos thanks!

I wanted to ask if you have tried distressor to vocals, or have you compared it to 1176? I use distressor almost every time on vocals, and I love the nuke setting at least on growl vocals. I don't have a real distressor, I use the emulation on liquid mix, but I know that for example Bogren likes to use distressor on vocals. I'm also building 1176 rev#f but it's not finished yet.
You actually sound more Americanized than most Aussies I've heard talk on the net. Your accent is not that thick at all.
very cool Ermz, my home studio room share the exact same size and build like yours. your studio made me confident enough to believe if I work harder, I can get a good mix from such a tiny room : )
I will just need work harder .
I am going to buy those Opal too, by the end of this year, when I going to revamp my home studio completely. Opal is on my check list.
I even had the same Steelseries 5L mousepad you have LOL.

Thanks again Ermz, it's very cool you share it with us \m/
I meant to ask - doesn't your room sound too dry after all this or is the absorption material thick enough to reflect higher frequencies?
Have you buried your (my:heh:) 6505 under all that rockwool? Did you have those side traps up when I was there?

@Shadow_Walker, my impressions of walking into the room were similar to walking into a soundproof booth where you get your hearing checked. Initially it seemed like the higher frequencies were 'dulled' a little. I walked in and out the door a couple of times and the difference in sound (of just conversation) compared to the next room was huge. It 'felt' different, as strange or stupid as that sounds :guh:. I sat in Ermz's mixing position and he played me a few different songs and those Opals sounded fantastic. I understand his love for the Nickelback mixes after hearing them through the Opals. I do not condone any love that may exist for the band though :D. His own mixes sounded great also. After listening for a while the higher frequencies just sounded smooth, so I cannot be sure whether the initial impression of them seeming 'dulled' was correct. The overall sound was just very smooth and hifi sounding.

Holy shit was that room hot though :lol:. That treatment not only provides great audio properties it also provides great heat retention. I bet that A/C is on in Winter also with all that analogue gear heating up the room.

I don't hear an accent. What are you guys talking about. :rolleyes: