video game dorks forced into buying their first box of condoms.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Symantec identifies Trojan targeting gaming devices

2 hours, 25 minutes ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Security software experts identified a malicious program targeting Sony Playstation Portable systems that marks the first so-called Trojan found in video game devices, Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC - news) said on Thursday.

The world's biggest security software maker said the Trojan represented a low-level threat, only affecting machines users have modified with their own code. A Trojan is a destructive program that masquerades as a harmless application.

"It does not affect the average user," said Eric Chien, a principle software engineer at Symantec. "This is the first time we have seen a Trojan on a gaming device."

He explained the Trojan says it is a file named "EXPLOIT 2G PSP Team V1.RAR" that allows users to run their own code on the Sony devices, but in fact destroys the machine.

Symantec researchers identified the Trojan when monitoring online chat-rooms used by the gaming community. Chien said the discovery is evidence hackers are expanding their targets.

"It goes to show malicious code writers aren't just targeting personal computers and aren't just trying to get some replicating code to infect the machines," Chien said "Anything that can run code is potentially being targeted."
do it.

just give me like a 2 day warning so i can make one last haul from
i've always wondered what kind of a fag is it that sits around and creates computer viruses. is there anything more lame than that?
yeah, i don't really the whole "let's make viruses to rule... at annoying people." dorkpower.
Demilich said:
Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos :loco:
haha, i just saw that movie a few weeks ago, but my girlfriend and I bought a super-sized bottle of Kahlua (to accompany our super sized bottle of vodka) for the necessary White Russian extravaganza! Good drink, better movie! HE PISSED ON YOUR FUCKING RUG!!!
dorian gray said:
i've always wondered what kind of a fag is it that sits around and creates computer viruses. is there anything more lame than that?

Having close to 15,000 posts on a metal forum when you've been listening to metal infrequently for the past year? Either that or adding every musician you can find to your Myspace buddy list. :)
Demilich said:
haha, i just saw that movie a few weeks ago, but my girlfriend and I bought a super-sized bottle of Kahlua (to accompany our super sized bottle of vodka) for the necessary White Russian extravaganza!

I need to have a White Russian every time I watch that movie. I'm starting to wonder if it was just a Kahlua marketing ploy.