Video Games anyone?

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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Hey ya'll...

Wanted to see who out there is as big as a video game nut as I am. And what you have been playing as of late.

As for me, I have been playing Prince of Persia for the PS2. Really cool game. You can actually rewind time with your something dagger, if you fall, or get low on energy, you can rewind time to right before you mess up. pretty decent concept. and the controls are fluid, especially running up walls and jumping from said walls.

Nothing better than losing yourself in a cool ass video game, with some equally cool ass metal music playing in the background...

evil c
I only play old stuff, like Square and Enix RPG's on SNES. I recently finished Secret of Mana for the n:th time and am about to start playing Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka Secret of Mana 2.) I've also recently finished Final Fantasy IV (II in USA) and started playing Final Fantasy V and Dragon Quest V.
When our baby was born, I had just completed Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Dreamcast), and Medal of Honor 2 (PSX). Since then, my consoles have been bookends collecting dust. I admit I played a little Rogue Squadron on my Gamecube - that was cool.

There's not a day that goes by where I yearn to play Medal of Honor and Metal Solid Gear for my PS2. These new tv commercials for Medal of Honor: Rising Sun just makes things worse!

Recently over the summer, we had Chief B staying with us and so we set up a home LAN between all our laptops and played Unreal Tournament. That was phenomenal - all of us sitting in different rooms with sniper guns.

Greatest games for me ever: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Medal of Honor.

One day I shall return to my throne...
Sorry, old games here too. 16-bit RPGs (SNES and SMD/Genesis) and the "old school" RPG's for Playstation (1) mostly.

Playing lately: Final Fantasy II-US, III-US and V. Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Phantasy Star III, Breath Of Fire IV.
Yep, old school RPGer here too. About to beat Xenogears for the second time, on my way to beating Final Fantasy I and VI for the 5000+ time each.

Someday in the near future I will get a PS2, but I can't justify the cost right now since there will only be about 1 game I want (Xenosaga).
Heh I bought the Dreamcast for one game only: Res Evil Code Veronica. Then Sega went belly up and all the Dreamcast games went on sale for like $2 each. I have shit like Sega Tennis and Crazy Taxi that just sits in a corner in my basement.

What I really want is a Pac Man coffee table. Remember them, where you'd sit and play? How cool would that be? You can get cocktail table equivalents nowaday (see below), but I want the old coffee table version - I can't even find an image of the shorter legged version, but I know they once existed.

I'd take a Frogger table version any day of the week over Pac-man.

I used to be a big TurboGrafx-head when I was younger, some of the best RPGs ever were on that long-defunct machine. Ys, Dragon Slayer, Cosmic Fantasy 2, Exile, etc. First domestic CD-ROM video game system as far as I remember...



Best. Videogame. Ever. (until Xenogears in 1998 that is)


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The Might and Magic series are the greatest games ever created by mankind. Fallout 1&2 are both excellent too, as are many SNES RPGS and a few more Genesis ones (Besides the early M&M, which are also avalible for SNES, but in comparison the snes verisons are teh suxxorz)
I'm more of a casual gamer...finished Grand Theft Auto 3 last week and been slowly playing through the first one. I'll give Vice City another blast sometime soon. Used to be a total Final Fantasy addict but ain't touched 'em for nearly three months. I'm setting about scabbing some memory cards off mates so I can play their FF8 and FF10 save files and finish 'em :cool: then I'll start with FF5 and work my way backwards (or maybe vice versa) cos I done the others :)

Resident Evil is cool, specifically the first two. I've enjoyed stuff like Metal Gear Solid, Age of Empires II and Shogun: Total War in the past. Flight sims are funny as well for crashing the planes into things :p
I remember that's all we used to do at my cousin's house, they had the original Flight Simulator and we would spend hours getting the best looking crashes.

The male mind is an amazing thing. Boobs, farting, and blowing things up could take up an entire lifetime and we'd be perfectly happy.
Black Winter Day said:
i think i used up most of my childhood nights playing this game with buddies
We spent practically our whole last year at university playing "Star Wars: X Wing Fighter" on the PC. I even won the Correlian Crescent for destroying more than 40 Tie Fighters in a single tour of duty. :Smug:

These aren't the droids you're looking for....