Video games can teach you shit

Videogames taught me that I can kill hookers to get my money back, that M. Bison is a pussy, that guards can't see anything three meters directly in front of them, that repeatedly pressing triangle near sources of water will replenish my health and that no matter how fucking good you may be there will always be some stupid dickhead that will NEVER get past the goat in the castle.
If you wait long enough, your health will regenerate, even though you caught a 50-cal bullet in the chest.
that the more evil a person is the more bullets it takes to kill them and some cannot be killed by mere bullets alone
i can kill many many people as soon as i loose the cops no one wil ever care again
Video games taught my niece how to jack a car.



D'aaaaaaaaw she's so cute :lol:
The picture is flipped.

Fuckin hope not, cos if so the rev and speed meters are at full. If I was driving that car I wouldn't be looking at any fucking camera!

Video games taught me that you don't need to bend down to pick shit up, just walk into it. Also, pockets are huge on the inside, like a tardiss.
Thy also taught the world that no matter how rich you are, how awesome you house/car/woman is, no matter how big you think your dick is and no matter how fucking awesome you think you are at video games, its impossible to beat Contra 3 without using the Konami code.