Video Interview with Johan!

Good interview, and good deal, PaganBlood. And you have the good sense not to make an overloaded piece of shit page like so many other bands. Alright, well, most of the bands suck, too, but you get the idea.
Oh fucking awesome, he confirms the US headling tour in the video! Although he also states they are only doing it for December and then they are taking time off (well deserved). Wonder how many gigs they can get in in a month... :cry:

edit: Paganblood, do you do the design the official AA myspace?? All I heard mentioned was he checked the main Amon Amarth myspace...
Wonder how many gigs they can get in in a month... :cry:
Quite a few, as long as there is not too much distance to drive between gigs. The tour bus cannot drive very fast at that time of year, since my mother will be sending along countless Christmas presents for my kids in Johan's luggage, which will bog the bus down in the snow. Then, once he gets rid of them all, it'll still be bogged down with all the stuff I am going to buy for him for Yule. :saint:
The other thread says they're starting this tour in November, tho, so hopefully it'll be a good tour with lots of dates. I cannot wait for this gig! Hope there is one I can go to, Seattle or Vancouver or something.
Well seeing that I saw a post that the first date is in Washington (I think), I'm all the way over in FL. I'll keep my fingers crossed but I will travel if I have to. I must see them again!