Video iPod and Live After Death


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I splurged with a little leftover money I had in my bank account after Christmas and bought a video iPod. I didn't really need it, I suppose, but just got the urge or something. Anyway, to test 'er out I put a DVD rip of Live After Death I have on it, and it's bitchin'! Walking around with the full visual concert in your pocket is kinda weird. Highly recommended for you iPod fans, and incidentally I found a good program that converts videos from your hard drive to the correct format for the iPod. Works like a charm. Crystal clear picture and sound!

Ah, technology. Things have certainly changed a lot since my first walkman.
i love cds, the feel of the cd and player, and i need the booklet and case and all that...i cant live without it all, i just cant stray from it, it just kicks so much ass...i go crazy when i tried one out seeing nothing but black ink for my music.

that said, it does sound kickass to have the video.
The video also has a color display, default, that shows the album cover. That doesn't replace all the artwork of course, but you always still have your CDs. I had similar misgivings, but I'd never give up my iPod now. PLUS, my CDs stay in pristine shape as I only have to play them once for download. It's pretty much a win/win situation.
Which brings up the question of why the hell Maidne isn't issuing a remastered DVD version of The World Slavery Tour?! It's not like the fans wouldn't snatch it up?!
I'm must rather see calssic stuff that the rehashing of the old(Rio or as on the upcoming Deatyh on The Road).
sixxswine said:
Which brings up the question of why the hell Maidne isn't issuing a remastered DVD version of The World Slavery Tour?! It's not like the fans wouldn't snatch it up?!
I'm must rather see calssic stuff that the rehashing of the old(Rio or as on the upcoming Deatyh on The Road).

yep, i have the original, i love it,, they dont need to remaster, but it would be a very cool thing!
I don't need an iPod though. I work out of my home (have music there) and whenever I leave the house I do so in my truck (have music there). Plus, I'm not a headphone kinda person. Not for metal anyway. Now, the video part, that's a different story. Imagine standing in a long line at DMV and jamming to your Iron Maiden DVD while everyone around you is looking bored out of their skulls. That's pretty cool!

NP: Presto Ballet - Peace Among the Ruins
sixxswine said:
Which brings up the question of why the hell Maidne isn't issuing a remastered DVD version of The World Slavery Tour?! It's not like the fans wouldn't snatch it up?!
I'm must rather see calssic stuff that the rehashing of the old(Rio or as on the upcoming Deatyh on The Road).

It's coming out as part of the next "History," DVD. As in part II of the early years. There will be Live After Death, more docu, and maybe another show (or pieces like the first). I'm thinking it will hit stores this year.
SoundMaster said:
IPods are ESSENTIAL for metal fans!
I currently have over 6,700 songs on mine....and I buy new cds every week. Owing an Ipod only enhances the need for CDs! Every new CD is downloaded the moment I open it!

Here here. I literally have my whole CD collection with me at all times. I have the transmitter dealy-bob to use it in the car too, plays through the radio. I wasn't really that into the video part to be frank, but really bought this one because it was 30 gigs. Still, no complaints, I've since loaded the Zeppelin Live at Royal Albert Hall and AC/DC Let there Be Rock video/concerts! That plus 3000 songs, and still a TON of room on 'er.
Hey Wiz, Could ya hook me up with a link to where ever you found that coversion program. I have been thinking of picking up a video ipod, but i really wanted to make sure there was a good program for conversion as I am not a fan of the whole itunes thing.Thanks
Here's the link:

The page is all in Japanese, but just look below the picture of the program (you'll see what I mean) and you'll see a link with the word "windows" in it. Then when you run the program you can choose your language. It's drag and drop and works really good. You have to have the stuff on your hard drive to convert (I think). I haven't tried to convert a DVD yet, just torrent files I'd already downloaded.