Video Producer Wanted


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I will probably name a several bands for PP USA IX at the show this year based on the feedback in the other thread. However, instead of standing there and announcing them like a dork, I thought a video would be cool (Logo, footage, etc). I could play it on Saturday night either right before or after the All-Star Jam.

Who has video production knowledge and capability? I'm not looking for a Hollywood job, but something high quality. You will also be entrusted with knowledge that only a handful of people will have. If you open your mouth in advance, you run the risk of being banned for the festival for life.

In exchange, I'll hook you up with VIP badges next year.

Email me with your qualifications/experience if interested.

Message sent! Very cool deal for the person who gets that gig! I do it for a living but to do something actually COOL sounds excellent! I'm sure you'll get bombarded with people jumping at the chance for this.
Would we be provided with footage to use, and logo's and such? Basically, is this just a straight shot edit, or will there be a need to create anything?

If I have footage ETC to work with, I could do a pretty bang up job, if I do say so myself..

but I guess if you're looking for someone professional with a bit of "real" experience, I'd be out. I've only won non-accredited awards. :p
That's awesome and I knew there would be a ton of responses. I know quite a few video guys that are into this music so I expected to all jump at this chance.
Dang, too late! I have some experience in film/television production and post-production, there are likely more qualified people. Glenn, this is a terrific idea, btw! Hats off to you!