VIDEO proof that my kitty Arrow is a little bitch

Greg, the last time we talked about this, you said, "You're terrible to that cat." You're is generally a contraction for You are, the present tense, not You were.

Anyway, she is too dumb to remember about the time we snipped off her muttonchops with scissors, or the time when Toby dyed her white patches blue.
this is old and tired and boring at this point—i can't tell a story to save my life—but

the night i met alex and toby and mia (and greg, josh, and sam) was spent searching for a hidden train tunnel in providence, circa 10:00 pm.

the adventure neared a conclusion at the intersection of two dirt paths in the middle of the forest (or something close to a forest).

suddenly, xfer does an about-face (he was on point, a little farther ahead) and announces that there is a sinister black lexus parked a small ways from the intersection. up on the right.

everyone is slightly shaken at the mention of such a thing.

after some discussion, we opt to take a left, and shortly after begin to get eaten by insects. we return, still talking about what the tall man saw.

there were many, many reasons, in my head, for us to keep moving.

i think toby sort of agreed.

alex did too, while turning on the flashlight and walking up to the car and shining the flashlight in it. a few times, walking back a few steps and then going forward.

and an hour later, commentary by greg.