Video; Rush - La Villa Strangiato at Pinkpop 1979


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
After seeing the Dio interview from Death Animals thread I got inspired to search from more Pinkpop Festival video's. And low and behold I came upon this jewel!

I can say a few things about this performance:

1) Its not the complete song

2) La Villa Strangiatio is still my favorite Rush song

3) A small part of this festival performance has been released as a boot

4) The images you will see were broadcast on Dutch national television

5) and last but not least; I was present at this gig as an eager and fanatical 21 year old Rush fan. :headbang:
Great find Hawk! :worship:

Ya know back in the day before all of this technology, these guys could really pull some shit off! I woulda loved to have seen them around this time. You are the lucky man!

Hope things are well for you!
Narcosynthesys68 said:
Great find Hawk! :worship:

Ya know back in the day before all of this technology, these guys could really pull some shit off! I woulda loved to have seen them around this time. You are the lucky man!

Hope things are well for you!

I am glad to see someone noticed this tread. For a moment I was afraid it would disappear into obscurity. :)

As for how I am; I am not that great but a lot better than a week ago. Thanks for showing the interest Narc! You're a good friend. :wave:

I hope you are doing great!! :headbang:
Brilliant video there Hawk, really enjoyed watching the mighty Rush. That was my 3rd time seeing them when I saw them on their 30th Anniversary Tour and that concert was absolutely out of this world - one of the best nights of my life.
Narcosynthesys68 said:
Great find Hawk! :worship:

Ya know back in the day before all of this technology, these guys could really pull some shit off! I woulda loved to have seen them around this time. You are the lucky man!

Hope things are well for you!

Great find, indeed. I'll be sharing that one around a bit. Thanks Hawk! :kickass:

It seems these days the technology is used to cover up more than it is to enhance. At least in the more mainstream stuff. Muddy guitar seems to be the rule of the day.

And I too hope things are getting better Hawk. Time heals.
I ahve no patience for the YouTube thingie it takes too much to load even with my cable modem.

Now onto 'La Villa Strangiato'.

  1. It's probably one of the best songs Rush ever wrote
  2. Shows how you need only three good musicans to do magic where sometimes 5-7 can't do shit.
  3. Is one of the best instrumental songs ever written.
  4. It's what prog metal it's truly about.
  5. Hadn't aged a bit since it has been written.
  6. Along with 'The Trees' is more than enough reason to have the album even if you don't like it :p

NP: World Below - 'A Forgotten Civilization'

P.S. And I hate Hawk for having attended it :lol:
Wyvern said:
P.S. And I hate Hawk for having attended it :lol:

I hate him for not asking me to come along back than ...Nooooo, he had to see this alone to rant about it 30 years later :p
carnut said:
I hate him for not asking me to come along back than ...Nooooo, he had to see this alone to rant about it 30 years later :p

Blame your ma. She kicked me out of the house when I wanted to ask you. She told me something about you being to young or something... :Smug:
Hawk said:
Blame your ma. She kicked me out of the house when I wanted to ask you. She told me something about you being to young or something... :Smug:

It wasn't accordion lessons, was it? :)