Sure! It could be used as a war ship, a merchant/trading vessle, a fishing boat, and for a relaxing cruise to the nearest port haha (ok it probably wasn't very relaxing but it got you to where you needed to be, right? ). Sizes varried but the basic design was the same really...I don't know, ask Tyra
AAURAHHHHHH!! Assembly required ship! *remembers the last time she bought assembly required furniture and vowed never to do it again* haha
Haha speaking of Ikea...anyone watch that episode of Conan O'Brian when they crossed Ingmar Bergman films with Ikea and got death trying to assemble a chair from Ikea? I should find a clip of was funny
...and speaking of Viking ships...anyone watch that thing on the history channel about those guys that built a small replica of a Viking ship and gave it to that reenactor guy? It was cool.