
Jono said:
i remember spending highschool lunch breaks reading all of the archived alphamails when i first got into thrax at the library on those shitty little macs. what were they called? the ones that were just a monitor?


:lol: Too bad I'm a recent Anthrax fan who just discovered the band last year.
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
:lol: Too bad I'm a recent Anthrax fan who just discovered the band last year.
How did you discover Anthrax, SpreadingtheLiving? We must know so we can get others to discover Anthrax.
that's cOOL!
what year was that version of the site from?
i remember looking at that, what seemed like years ago...

i see that charlie and the boys played at his own wedding. i wonder what music they played?!?!
Using my super advanced and magical deductive powers I've determind it's from 2000. My biggest clues were the copyright date and the url.

I am now exhausted.
That's some good detective work there...actually if you visit you can see what most websites used to look like. It's really interesing. Have fun boys & girls!


Ragamuffin said:
Using my super advanced and magical deductive powers I've determind it's from 2000. My biggest clues were the copyright date and the url.

I am now exhausted.