vinyl evening


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
do you ever have these? i mean i have to be honest, i buy vinyl but generally vinyls do not get as many plays as things i have on cd because, yeah, you know

but anyway sometimes i decide to have vinyl evenings! it fucking rules! you get to listen to shit a bit more concentrated like! so tonight i'm having SEVEN INCHES OF BLACK VINYL (don't go there) NIGHT

here's my playlist for tonight! i can't post this in the "last cd you listened to" thread because they're 7"'s not cd's!

born of fire "chosen by the gods" c/w "the art of dying"
decent thrash by members of entombed, unleashed, dismember! vocals are kinda bad but yeah i don't regret buying this!

loits "legion estland"
awesome! "vanade legionäride laul" is better on this than on the album imo, and there's a pretty cool cover of countrymen tharaphita. loits is great. ESTLAAAAAAAND!

obtest "prisiek"
two songs that are also on "auka seniems dievams", plus two live songs on the B-side. great stuff, and really awesome supremely heavy & thick pic vinyl... only i have the first two songs in nearly identical versions on the actual album, o well

eismalsott "best before: spring"
on northern silence productions. rather strange, it's basically black metal but with lots of movie samples and other weirdness... i'm not sure if i "get" this yet but it's pretty cool

azaghal "harmageddon"
terrible generic black metal that i should sell or something

bak de syv fjell "from haavardstun" c/w "de siste tanker"
oh man if you don't know about this one by now i don't even know what to say. probably the most brilliant FOLK METAL to ever come out of norway. "de siste tanker" is my most played song on, i've listened to it at least 50+ times since first discovering this band because it's so god damn amazing it's absolutely fucking mortifying to think of the fact that this band never got around to releasing ANYTHING ELSE than this (i know about the reh. but that's not a release)

morrigan/nocternity "a celtic/hellenic alliance"
fucking brilliant split 7" right this way folks, both bands' contributions are truly ace. i got the poster on my wall and my buttons on my leather jacket and the actual record in the record player, and all is well! i dunno if this is sold out by now (probably) but any fan of morrigan and/or nocternity would do real well to pick this one up

sólstafir "black death"
ya. there's a rip floating around of this that sounds fucking terrible; the actual vinyl is much better. whoever did NOT order this from regimental rex during their sale (or at any time really) is a fucking dumbyhead because it's (like almost all of sólstafir's output) pretty amazing. rokkin' riffs and lots of energy & atmosphere. and it's really rare by now so i was amazed that a distro actually still carried it

so there
listening to 7"'s is fun! you should try it sometime
only it's a fucking nuisance to have to turn over the record every 6 minutes
sounds awesome erik.

I'd love to try it but I don't have a way to play and vinyl, therefore I don't own any vinyl and i'm too broke/have better things to buy than vinyl in the near future.

My friend bryan has melechesh and absu vinyl though, it's some good shit :D
bak de syv fjell "from haavardstun" have anyone ripped this on mp3 etc. I need to hear it and still miss the 7".
M.Lehto said:
bak de syv fjell "from haavardstun" have anyone ripped this on mp3 etc. I need to hear it and still miss the 7".
i have mp3's yeah, i can upload them in a bit

or you could buy it... i think perverted taste still carries it, but you don't deal with them so ;)
Erik said:
i have mp3's yeah, i can upload them in a bit

or you could buy it... i think perverted taste still carries it, but you don't deal with them so ;)

Hehe, I also know Dark Horizon carries it...I should get it, damn.
Erik -- you need to listen to Empyrium's "Fortgang" on vinyl. Or you should just listen to the song anyway. Those screams come out of nowhere....acoustic, acoustic, folky folky....and then blackened death vocals grab you by the nuts.
bak de syv fjell "from haavardstun" c/w "de siste tanker"
oh man if you don't know about this one by now i don't even know what to say. probably the most brilliant FOLK METAL to ever come out of norway. "de siste tanker" is my most played song on, i've listened to it at least 50+ times since first discovering this band because it's so god damn amazing it's absolutely fucking mortifying to think of the fact that this band never got around to releasing ANYTHING ELSE than this (i know about the reh. but that's not a release)

i remember you suggesting this before and i listened to mp3s and they fucking ruled. yeah, leagues and leagues better than your average folk metal. i especially remember 'de siste tanker'

i guess Dark Horizons would be a reasonable place to pick it up from if they do indeed still have it!
damn broken turntable

i actually bought a load of great s/h stuff on 12" at the start of the year
hawkwind, kong, focus, ELP, genesis, and all my sabbath and old thrash is on vinyl, I've even got a couple of 7" i haven't played yet

mate even gave me a mint copy of the first Angelwitch album...first record I ever bought...haven't heard it in years


need a new hi-fi but its way down the list of priorities
typical vinyl evening for me (and yeah they are awesome) would probably involve some Of the Wand and the Moon, Manilla Road and lately 'Spirit the Earth Aflame' which rules :kickass:
One of my favorite activities is to just sit back and pull out my "Vargnatt" vinyl. Seriously, "Trollskogen" is the best folk song I have ever heard in my life. < PERIOD