Vio-lence and Deadly


Beer drinker
Jun 10, 2002
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to say I had an awesome time at Vio-lence in Hollywood Saturday. It was cool to meet you Deadly. I will definetly be seeing you up there again up in the Bay when DA plays. Thanks for your time it was cool visiting you. Drop me an email when you get the chance. Do you want thos epics we took?

The Vio-lence show was awesome. The only disappointment was that many of the local metalheads were noticably absent. I have no idea why there weren't more people at the show. It was great to see a lot of No Cal fans at the show and since it was one of those early shows, it was fun to hang out and talk to old friends for several hours afterwards.

Perry said the last time Vio played in LA was at the same club, but at the last show held when it was still Gazarri's!

Yeah the show was really amazing. But after experiencing bay area bands down here and up there, I enjoy them more up there but I think that's due to the different atmospheres of the crowd, I don't know it's strange but Vio-lence non the less were tight as hell. I loved the dshow, and ejoyed every minute of it. Can't wait to see them in Frisco sometime later this summer. Hope to see most of you at DA oh and by the way, who is Testamentlegions?

The show was KILLER! Great hanging out with everyone, got some quality time in, for a change, that was cool................................................................see ya all at D.A., both nights!
After that conersation about Soilwork the other night I still wanna hear their new album out of curiosity but I'm a little hesitant. Look forward to seeing you ina couple weeks, hopefully Tlegions will be around those nights as well.

Vio-lence did kick ass I was just dissapointed with the turnout of So. Cal people.