
Check it out...

There are still a few things to flesh out, like the images section, some streaming sound, merch, and to complete the extended discography. But the core of the site is up. Let me know if technically anything doesn't work for you, and if not, what's your browser/version etc.
Hey Deadly,

We've met before but not in person. Im really good friends with metalmom and her son. Lets hook up at Vio-lence, I assume your going to the Rainbow before and after the show right? Any chance you can hook me up with an interview with Vio-lence for my site. Its brand new and has been on haitus for over a year, I will be interviewing Death Angel when we go up the bay area ina couple weeks for their show. That should be a blast. Check my site out, let me know if you can hook me up with the boys.

Awesome! The link doesn't work for me, but it's bookmarked, for future reference...

Awesome show at TOTT and SLIM's... hopefully they'll play around here again soon...
Originally posted by toilethead
Check it out...

There are still a few things to flesh out, like the images section, some streaming sound, merch, and to complete the extended discography. But the core of the site is up. Let me know if technically anything doesn't work for you, and if not, what's your browser/version etc.

Killer! Glad to see those guys back at it. I can't wait to get the re-release of Eternal Nightmare. That was the one I never got.