Violet Sun! Cool New Band!!!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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For those of you who know Dario Grillo from Thy Majesty, he has really hit a home run with this female fronted band. They are a real hybrid incorporating many different styles from prog to power to operatic. The singer, from Catania in Italy is a real treat. Dario also adds vocals throughout. Check their album Loneliness Is Supremacy! The following review is taken from Metal Storm

"I can't even remember the last time I was taken on a journey through the symphonic landscapes far beyond, where there is color and light all around you. I knew right from the beginning this album was different than the rest of the releases I've heard this year. Right from the start, there was this cherry blossom fragrance that heralded the special character of the album. Special because I knew this journey would take several attentive listens before it would sink in. Special because there is so much going on here, any description will be inaccurate.

After his break with Thy Majestie, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Dario Grillo kept himself busy with his new female-fronted band Violet Sun. Loneliness In Supremacy, the band's elegant debut, makes you dig through layers and layers of symphonic edges that draw up the blueprint, enough progressive hooks to prevent the album from being easy digestible, and even a few gothic abstracts which give color to the darker sides of the album.

Clearly Grillo had still many more bright ideas up his sleeve, as Loneliness In Supremacy abounds in creativity, variety and versatility. As a not so unfortunate side-effect, the album goes through several ups and downs; some parts will take you by storm while the more progressive parts are more resistant and engulfed in a thick blanket of fog to cut you off.

Further on, Loneliness In Supremacy excels in the most important aspect of flirting: being a tease. Various healing melodies are designed to appeal to the audience's emotions, but the next moment the more complex arrangements work repelling and push the listener around like a demented pinball. And also the seducing interplay between the wide and dynamic range of clean male and female vocals works enchanting.

Loneliness In Supremacy is a still-evolving journey. At one point I thought I had reached the heart of the album, where seemingly unrelated emotions are woven together. But then that thrill was gone as quickly as it had come, entangled in debris, and I knew I had to start all over again. A real tease indeed."
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