Virgin Steele booked as 3th band fpr Prog-Power US

Cool. I just wish I could find someone selling their new cd for a reasonable price. Seems to be import only to US & I haven't found a price <$30 yet.
I got a promo of the new Virgin Steele a couple weeks ago, and I can't listen to it. I always sort of skipped over this band because the albums I did hear sounded rather generic. This new one is even more so. Bland songwriting (for the most part) and what's up with the drums? Sounds like a drum machine.

I'll pass.
YEPPERS! This ('07) is going to be a great always! I'm waiting for the dates actually, Glenn says it's NOT going to be the 'usual' 14-17 dates so patiently waiting for that announcement to book the vacation days.
Not very interested to say the least. We'll see how the final roster ends, still 11 months to go.
I'm not real big on VS, but I'll give them a fair shake live.
No matter what the rest of the lineup is, I guarantee I'll be there, as long as I'm breathing! :)

I've already gushed all over the PP board about VS, so I won't repeat. I'll just tell you to check out Marriage of Heaven & Hell Pt1, and Invictus, and see what you think.

Oh, and Wyvern . .. . there's no accounting for taste :)

Steve in Philly
Not a fan either,in my opinion there are alot better oldschool progressive and power acts in the US...
DarkOne said:
Oh, and Wyvern . .. . there's no accounting for taste :)


After all if festivals were always in the complete agreement for oneself I guess 2-3 people will attend only ;)

A bit of all for all, that's democracy :headbang: