Visions....Music Video Perhaps?


This is Not an Exit
Oct 19, 2001
This is kinda directed at the band, or Andreas himself. Do you think a video might be made to promote the album? Your music fits so well with imagery in many many cases I think itd be a great idea, and you see how much were starving for videos of you guys (see Asgeirs Inferno Vid Thread!), any possibilities? Thanks!
Well, I´m the first in line to do a video clip for a song of the new album, but so far i don´t know if it´ll happen, it all comes down to....tata, a deceant video costs alot, and now adays there´s not many forums where to broadcast it, you could of course have it on the Cd, but it really costs alot to make a good clip, we´ll see.................
If this will happen(what I really hope) I hope it will be a video like Victory or Vhallala of Ancient rites. That clip is great. You see there a lot of beautyful landscapes.
Welcome back F_V! We've missed ya around here. And I put this song on for a dedication to your welcome back. Two of your favorite bands!

@Vintersorg: I understand the money situation. But I hope to see that it all works out. A Vintersorg video would be really awesome.
Thanks for reaplying Andreas! Maybe Visions will be a breakout for you and perhaps garner enough money to make a clip! Than I can be in it right?............right? ;)

hehe, thanks WD40, im just sneakin around alot hehe, ill be in on and off
Thats an even better idea Morg, but I dunno if he can afford to fly ALL of us out bout it? If we all chip in some cash maybe we can make one after all! Sounds like a plan!

@DWD around hehe, i just havent been in the mood to post a lot hehe.

I'm afraid of this video... I've thought about the idea alot,
and at first I thought it would be wonderful... But then I thought...
This video will be the one that sets the "standard" for what I
will picture when listening to Vintersorg, you know? >:eek:P

I just can't help but see it that way. And then you go;
"Shut up, we want a video, you don't have to watch it!"
And I say; "I know I'll HAVE TO watch it, cause it's Vintersorg,
damnit!!!!" Hehehe... :eek:)

No, but a video would be cool, if it looks the way I want it
to be >:eek:P But if we all really want a Vintersorg vid I think
we should all try to do something about it....
Money, make something ourselves etc. Anyone have a vid'cam
I can borrow, I'd make a video myself in no time! :eek:)) lol
Just put it on the DVD somewhere ;) in all seriousness I think a music video from Vintersorg would be truly awesome! Like you said though it probably wont get played much anywhere. I don't really think how fancy looking the video is makes a differance either. If it just has some originality (which we all know Vintersorg does not lack hehe) it will be a great thing for sure!
Well, a video would be cool, but as Blackspirit said, it will be hard to capture the right sprit, and I think it will be very expensive (and considering the fact that the artists don´t get as much money as they deserve...), I´m happy as it is :)... The live DVD will be filling all my needs...:p

AND... That thing might be a cool idéa! what about doin our own video? we just have to attend to a gig/many gigs, and film ourselves headbanging, and Andreas at the stage! And those of ya that can´t attend, well, just film yerself headbanging, and we´ll cut ya in! ;)

Sooo, more gigs wanted! :D

-phyros ( listening to the P3 version of Till Fjälls... *shivering* )
I GOT IT! Vintersorg holds a private concert for all regular posters of this forum (yes the TRUE fans hehehe) and we all go to Sweden, bring a cam corder and he plays live sets while we all headbang and wave our hands and sing and have a good time! Yes that would be the video we could all live with me thinks ;)