Visit the remainig shows of the tour!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 25, 2005
Hi everybody out there,
after visiting three gigs at the current tour I want to ask everybody who wasn’t there until now to visit a concert (or even more than one) because you would really miss an absolut right in your face killer gig if you fail to go!!! The band is in an absolutely brilliant mood and plays one killer gig after another so that everyone should get addicted after visiting a gig! Here the killer setlist of the first part of the tour:

World’s Are Coming Through
Blind Suffering
The Leading
Voices or Beyond My Destiny
Highs Without Lows
Medley: Lifeline/Shadowland/Tear Down The Walls
Inside The Monster
Shiva’s Tears
Soul Temptation
All Those Words
Hollow Hideaway
Burns My Soul
Doorway To Survive
Burns My Soul

Any Questions? Go out, tell your friends about it and visit the shows! You will never regret it!!! See you on tour!

@Brainstorm: many thanks for letting me feel so good and welcome on every show I visited!!!
You´re right. Two of my friends decided not to go to the gig short before it. I simply had to tell them they missed one of the best gig i´ve ever seen!

Setlist is really a killer, only impressive songs!

So if you have the chance to see Brainstorm, don´t miss it!

Sorry, the last song is Under Lights, Burns my soul is the last song before the encores. But I'm sure you've read it elsewhere in the meantime
Oli said:
after visiting three gigs at the current tour I want to ask everybody who wasn’t there until now to visit a concert (or even more than one)

:waah: :waah: Rub it in! I was supposed to go to 3 shows but I was a bit sick on the first and had to cancel the other two - BIG disappointment since I've been waiting for years to see my boys on a headliner tour!!!!! :waah: :waah:
Hi everybody,

my husband and me were in Ludwigsburg yesterday and it was even better than I ever could expect. Cool support bands and a headliner that burns down everything... I am so thankful for this experience (and for my baby who only accompanied me because he doesn´t like the thought of a woman being alone at a HM gig :) - thanx for 106 pics and for admitting that BS are really outstanding...). You miss something very special, if you do not see BS live!!

Wild Angel
Hi everybody out there!
Now, after visiting four of the monster-gigs, I wanna tell everybody, who is still hesitate if she/he should visit a BS-Show... DO IT and enjoy it, if you have the possibility! The Time is runnin’. You will never regret! Killer band, killer setlist, killer shows! Everything is really kickin’ ass and I’m really looking forward to the last two shows (for the moment) next week. (I’m very curious for the dates for the second part of the monster tour ;-)) :grin: :grin: :grin:
Greetz to all Brainstormers & Brainiacs out there.
C ya!
Zhanna said:
Hey Gaunerin !!
Are you going to Gates of Metal ?? :rock:

Despite the fact that both BS and EG are playing there (AND that it's in Sweden :grin: ...) I won't go there. It's the same weekend as WOA and even if I wanted to go to GOM instead...I couldn't take off work long enough around that time to travel up there. :( You going there??

(Kolla "Hårdrock för fan"-tråden på TM forumet, ZeiMot skrev en inlägg om Parkrocken i Sandviken som låter mycket interessant ;) .. men tyvärr hinner jag inte fara dit heller..)
Gaunerin said:
Despite the fact that both BS and EG are playing there (AND that it's in Sweden :grin: ...) I won't go there. It's the same weekend as WOA and even if I wanted to go to GOM instead...I couldn't take off work long enough around that time to travel up there. :( You going there??

(Kolla "Hårdrock för fan"-tråden på TM forumet, ZeiMot skrev en inlägg om Parkrocken i Sandviken som låter mycket interessant ;) .. men tyvärr hinner jag inte fara dit heller..)

No, i don´t think´s not so easy you know :erk:
When are you coming back to sweden ????? :tickled: