Viva MACHETE cabrones!

Jeff Fahey = Win.
But is it just me or are all revenge movies the same? This looks just like the Punisher from Mexico.
Also , it looks like they are playing this way too straight faced.
This movie is going to be pure win!

I talked to Danny Trejo here in Vegas a few weeks ago while at a poker tournament, and he is super excited. Finally a starring role! I have love this guy in every movie I have seen him in. He is really a great actor, unfortunately hes been typecast :(
serious? he's flying on a chopper with a getling gun firing while there's a fucking
big explosion in the background, a priest with 2 shotguns and jessica alba
on a car in the city with a machete in the hand :D
screw Rober DeNiro, and Seven Segal...Cheech Marin = The Shit hahaha:lol: no, but really EPIC cast for real!

"Mexican americans dont like to get up early, in the mornings...but they have they do it really slooooooooooow"
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