Vive la fête


human wrecking ball
Jul 25, 2002
France [ Lille ]
Because of how they're called, i always thought it was a lame ass over-happy ska band, but its actually not.

It's a cool electro clash kind of band, with good lyrics (in french).

For the record, the guy doing the music is the ex dEUS bassist.

For more infos, check out

Theres a few extracts in the website. They're a bit Chicks on Speed like, for the one who knows.

I uploaded a couple of songs for you lazy gets :wave:

- Jaloux

- Noir désir
Lenore said:
tu crois pas que j'vais me casser le cul :D

Chui dejà pas fort causante dans la vraie vie alors sur les forums :D

what ya sayin about me being extreme in real life?
i've read that vive la fete thing somewhere else a few minutes ago yes.

ah, and what you said about ikea was very right too :D