Vocal PA systems, mixers, and shit like that.

A Dying Breed

Jun 6, 2004
Hey, I'm wondering what kind of rigs people have for their vocals, because I'm doing vocals in my band and I have to go out and buy all this shit now. I'm mainly a guitarist so I have no clue about PA systems and shit, so basically I'm wondering what exactly I need to be able to play a show, and how much I should expect to spend in order to get some respectable equipment. All I know is that I need speakers and a mixer of some sort, I just have no idea what's good or practical for the purposes of playing metal shows. Any recommendations would rule, thanks in advance.
I dont think you need a mixer. All you need is a good vocal mic like a shure sm57?! and a PA that will be loud enough to hear yourself over the band at practice, but if you're playing a show, they will have a PA and probably mics for you to use. Anyone correct me if Im wrong, but I think this is the way it works.
I dont think you need a mixer. All you need is a good vocal mic like a shure sm57?! and a PA that will be loud enough to hear yourself over the band at practice, but if you're playing a show, they will have a PA and probably mics for you to use. Anyone correct me if Im wrong, but I think this is the way it works. I know nothing about PA's so I can't help you there.
I also think that's the way it works.

If your also miking the guitars and drums, then yeah you do need a mixer. if your only miking the vocals, you'll need some type of device to control how loud they are. I don't know what PAs come with so i don't know if you need to go out and get something extra.