Vocal range

I don't know much about vocal range...but personally I don't think Aaron Lewis has a good voice at all. He can hit some high notes, they sound shitty to me though. Mike is better.
Aaron Lewis has a good range. It's just that his tone of voice doesn't change much on the way, which seems to confuse people to think he's range is small. By this I mean that the high notes he sings remain strong and don't become thin as happens on a regular singer's case.

His range isn't phenomenal or anything. Probably about 3 octaves, it's pretty normal to a man.
Staffan said:
I just picked up my guitar and tested which notes I could hit clearly on the guitar

Did you sing high or low if you understabd what I mean.
For example E could be sung in high voice and low voice, which voice should I use when I measure?
Stormrider586 said:
I don't know much about vocal range...but personally I don't think Aaron Lewis has a good voice at all. He can hit some high notes, they sound shitty to me though. Mike is better.

You mentioned that *****s name in the same paragraph as the One and Only Mike? :eek: