Vocal stuff

Autumn Decay

New Metal Member
Aug 14, 2002
Hi everybody, i am new here nice place if i might add.
My first question would have to be,
How do i learn how to sing like anders friden(in flames) or speed strid (soilwork )
I cant seem to get it down, can any of you help
all i can say is practice practice practice... my growel/scream sounds almost nothing like anders' usually, but sometimes it'll just come out sounding like it... but then it's the same with Walker (carcass), and Bell (fear factory). just keep trying to emulate the sound, but don't kill your voice doing it, try to find the notes first, then try to rasp it.. that's what i do.
Haha, Anders happens to be my current favorite as well... only recently though.... in Clayman.... his voice has taken shape into something far more advanced than his Skydancer days, haha.
How? Well put the album in. Listen to Bullet Ride.... the refrain "Frightened by your own smell". Listen to the way he sings "by". What is that?
Well... think of Halford. That guy can break windows. Now just imagine incorporating that into a death metal scream... that's what it is... sounds like a table saw. Pretty tight, huh?
Ok, now how to do it. You can trust me on this, I am most proud of my ability to do these screams... in fact.. I'd go as far to say I might do it a little better. Not to brag.. that's not my point, just saying I love the way it sounds when pulled off.you calle
Well enough of the BS... here's how to do it.
Take the above example, in Bullet Ride. Listen to it. try to get the dynamics of the scream down in your head. Don't try and sing along just yet. Whisper it.... much like you would make a roaring crowd noise (I'm sure you've done those before, haha). Just get a feel of how the notes go together. When you do the "f" in "frightened".. really force that "f".. keep your lips together.. build pressure, and let all the hatred out when you get to the "righ". That's a start, as far as dynamics. Don't try it yet. Just keep it in mind.
Now, how to hit that note.
It's like one of those fair games.. where you get the hammer and try and hit the bell when you slam it down. Imagine the bell at the top of your throat, and your adams apple the stone thing that slides up the pole.
One thing left....
What is the hammer?
Well... this is all about trick. the enunciation example I gave above for "frightened" helps alot.. and there are a few more factors.
How I do it.. is I snap my head down (which consequently makes my apple go up and back) and straighten my whole spine. Your chin is the hammer, my friend. Slam that chin down, and at the exact same moment, release all that pressure you were building up forcing that "f" (NOTE: This should NOT hurt your throat, as I mentioned in my last post. Nor should you break your neck or anything... this technique is only for "leverage".. it doesn't make the sound for you.. it just helps a whole hell of alot).
but... my best advice would just be to sing along with Clayman... on our free time.
This is what happened to me.
I was hooked on Clayman, for some very long months... and consequently... I sang along whenever I had the chance to.. not TRYING to hit all the notes... but just emulating Anders unconciously.
Anyway.... long months passed.. and there was band rehearsel for my band "Soultorn". We recorded a few songs that we were working on at the time. Afterwards.... we were listening to the playback... and Tom, our guitar player, just starts craking a gut. "what"? I say to him. He looks at me and says, "You didn't just hear that"? I looked back at him, puzzled.
So we rewound the tape, and listened again. It was during one of the more aggressive parts in one of our songs.. and somehow, when I let loose that demon within, the little Anders that had unconciously grown within my diaphragm tore through my throat and into the air. I was as shocked as the rest of the band was. I didn't TRY to do it.. it just came unknowingly.
Now, this may take you awhile.. but after you get it...you'll notice a form of freedom once you get to that level. When you feel that freedom... that is when you have broken the bell, my friend. After that... there is no limit. Ask Halford... I bet he'll tell you the same.
Hate is a natural thing.. it's not something you learn how to do. It's there in you. Therefore, metal is a natural thing. Don't TRY to do it. Just release it.
I'm glad you guys like my input.. if you have any questions, feel free to post, I'll be here.
Until then, all you fuckers stay metal, and it'd be cool if you could check out www.soultorn.tk , my band...