VocAlign on Guitar

Clark Kent

Jan 23, 2011
So the VocAlign is able to fix the two guitar tracks to play in the exact same timing.

Let me start by saying that I much prefer the unaligned sound played tight. This was just a funny idea I had since there are times when guitars could've been played a whole lot tighter together. I would just record guitars tightly instead but sometimes you don't have the choice.

So here it is. First time around it's VocAligned and second one is natural:

I don't know if this was a good comparison since I seemed to play the riff quite tightly in the first place but still it's almost inhumanly tight the first time around. Try it if you're interested... thoughts?
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You're right about the edited version being inhumanly tight till 0:14, before the chords move in. The rest sounds impressive. I'm gonna give this a try, thanks!

Mashreef: Use it like you'd normally would, I guess.