vocals sound lifeless help!!


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2010
hey guys this might be an extremely nooby question but please be kind :erk: im doin a cover of im so sick by flyleaf and ive been doin the vocals and i dont know what im doin wrong but it just sounds like crap?

these are the original vocals: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/vocals original.mp3?w=4792e9e9

and these are my vocals: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/vocals mine.mp3?w=41270860

is there any advice you guys can give me to get a better sound? or even tips on mixin it better?
btw im usin a behringer b-1 (im not sure if its good i borrowed it) for vocals an my room is pretty damn acoustically treaty. tnx its appreciated