
Terminal Spirit Disease

Metal Warrior
Jun 3, 2002
UK, Surrey
Lookin for a bit of help dunno if any one on here will be able to help me out but what the hell give it a try. I'm a vocalist and I normaly do deep brutal growel style but decided to switch to a higer screamy growel for a melodic death metal style I've been trying to achive vocals like Tomas Lindberg but I can't get the tone right I just end up sounding like a mix of some thing from Goatwhore and In Flames I don't want to get my vocals exactly the same but I'm aiming for the pitch and rawness of Tomas's every vocalist I speak to has said its pretty much impossible to get like that without years of practice. I am determind to do it but I could do with some advice if any one out there does melodic death metal vocals any help would be very apperciated.