Voice on track 7

Well, to me it symbolizes how crappy cults are. A statement like that shows you the madness and disgust of a cult; how sickening they are ... at least that is what I get out of it.
I love the voice on track 7... and there's some pretty lush music going on behind it.

And I agree with Demonspell... the baby crying when Tom sings "You lied to me" is painful.
I think he`s saying " We have a human baby"

squeemu said:
Okay, on "The Essence of Conviction" am I hearing the voice clip say "We have to kill the baby"? It's hard to make that one part out. Pretty creepy if that's what he's saying...
So is the baby that is killed the one that is talked about in the lyrics of the song, being led down the aisle? It seems that a baby wouldn't be able to walk "hand in hand" down an aisle.
If you read the lyrics you see that it`s a three year old girl

squeemu said:
So is the baby that is killed the one that is talked about in the lyrics of the song, being led down the aisle? It seems that a baby wouldn't be able to walk "hand in hand" down an aisle.
I know this is totally off topic, but I had to share this with you--I went to see Evergrey last night at the Jaxx, and it was most certainly the best show I've been too in quite a while. Evergrey was the best! Prior to the show, I grabbed 5 of my guitar picks from home, and I wrote a message on each for each of the band members, and during the show I gave them Mike, and he starting playing with one of the picks, which was awesome! :D And then, he also gave me an Evergrey pick, and I got one of Jonas's drumsticks--they were so damn good! Afterwards, my friends and I got to meet them while they were coming off the bus, and I got out pictures taken with Tom, Henrik, and Jonas. I don't have a scanner, but as soon as I get them developed I'm going to scan them at my friend's house so everbody can see them. EVERGREY RULES!!! :headbang:
I have never found any guitar tabs for Evergrey. I've been playing for about 5 1/2 years though, and I taught myself. That said, I've learned several Evergrey songs by ear. I've never bothered to tab any of them though, cuz I just keep them in my head. I'm not sure if the way I play them is the way they play them, but it sounds right, so that works for me. I thought a few times about simply posting the tabs the way I play them on several tab sites, but I just haven't gotten around to it. It would be neat to be the first person to tab Evergrey songs for a site! :D
squeemu said:
So is the baby that is killed the one that is talked about in the lyrics of the song, being led down the aisle? It seems that a baby wouldn't be able to walk "hand in hand" down an aisle.


As far as I remember I learned to walk when I turned 1. :p This one is 3, according to Carina, and obviously the booklet.
Exactly where does he say that ??

squeemu said:
Alright makes sense. But the voice clip says "we have to kill the baby." I guess I just rarely hear of a 3 year old being referred to as a baby, but it makes more sense now.
He does say "we have to kill the baby" - I was listening to the CD last night on my portable player (I still don't have electricity). The voice is broken up a bit through the musical parts, and I couldn't understand all the words, but he basically says things like: "we have a child" "this child is the messiah" "...doorstep of Satan," something about not living under fear and contempt, and the last thing he says is "we have to kill the baby!"

[edit: I *think* the voice in question starts around 2:45 on the track - I rewinded that part a few times to try and understand everything that was going on.]

I strongly recommend listening to the entire CD with headphones - I heard a lot of things that I didn't pick up on the last several listens since I bought it.
I`m VERY certain that he says " we have a human baby" !!!!

jaimek said:
He does say "we have to kill the baby" - I was listening to the CD last night on my portable player (I still don't have electricity). The voice is broken up a bit through the musical parts, and I couldn't understand all the words, but he basically says things like: "we have a child" "this child is the messiah" "...doorstep of Satan," something about not living under fear and contempt, and the last thing he says is "we have to kill the baby!"

[edit: I *think* the voice in question starts around 2:45 on the track - I rewinded that part a few times to try and understand everything that was going on.]

I strongly recommend listening to the entire CD with headphones - I heard a lot of things that I didn't pick up on the last several listens since I bought it.
Well, I'm not known for good hearing, so it might very well be. :) I'll listen again tonight...
" We have the human baby" or " We have a human baby"
We have talked about this and I`m sure that he said something like this

jaimek said:
Well, I'm not known for good hearing, so it might very well be. :) I'll listen again tonight...
Well, I have no idea who's got it right here, but I must say that when I listened to it, I heard "We have the human baby." I dunno. Maybe my ears are hearing what they want to hear or something. I'm not exactly sure what the guy is saying, but that's what it sounds like to me.