VOID OF SILENCE - Human Antithesis


1) Human Antithesis
i. The Dream Ends
ii. Empty Prayers
iii. Black Propaganda
2) Gray Horizon (M.P.H. MMIV)
3) Untitled
4) To a Sickly Child
5) Dark Static Moments

"Let these words echo deep, deep into your heart..."

Unbelievable. Undefinable. Untouchable. One of the absolute best albums 2004 has witnessed.

"You can pray to God, you can pray to Allah, you can pray to whoever, he will not hear you..."

Doom, industrial, post-black... classical piano, strings, thundering riffs, female vocals, church bells, growls, samples, dark despair... It's a hell of a job to describe something this good.

"Do I need to stain the air with its name?"

The first song, the idiosyncratic title track, is over 20 minutes long and is perhaps the best song I've heard this year. Sprawling, atmospheric, beautiful, desperate and hateful all at the same time. The militaristic spoken passages make you want to ride to fucking war (hell, they are Romans...) And the presence of PRIMORDIAL's Alan Nemtheanga only enhances this effect. Strangely enough, the rest of the album doesn't disappoint. Layered in synths, sonic effects and ambient noise, VOID OF SILENCE have released an apocalyptic doom metal masterpiece. I'm still trying to decide if this or MORGION's latest is the doom album of the year... At the moment, it looks like "Human Antithesis" is in the lead.

A big surprise and absolutely essential.


Black Winter Day
Well, IMO, it's hard to beat Alan's vocals. The first feature Malfeitor Fabban (from ABorym) on vocals, and he does a very good job. The other two are more doomy methinks, especially the first one.

While I think the latest is their best, it would be foolish to ignore the first two. Put it this way, if you like Human Antithesis, you'll like Toward the Dusk and Criteria ov 666.
About time someone reviewed this album...one of the best of the year so far, and highly original, one of the most successful attempts at incoporating electronic influences into metal, and the whole album seethes with contempt for humanity. Alan's demented preacher vocals here are perfect.
I posted a very positive review of this about 6 or 8 months ago.

Terrorizer gave this 9/10 in their latest issue. Its pretty much mutual that this release rules. I agree that it is slightly better than the new Morgion. Both are damn fine, though.
The new VOS is top 5 material. awesome stuff. If you like Human Antithesis, get their first album, Toward the Dusk.