Vola - Inmazes Danish Progressive Rock/Metal


Feb 11, 2002
This Danish group has been called a cross between Katatonia and Porcupine Tree and while I see some similarities they seem to drift off in their own little world. As Josh from Puregrainaudio.com states "VOLA simply don't know what type of band they want to be, and quite frankly, that's the beauty behind their debut album"...I couldnt have said it better myself. Its not something you can listen to 2 minutes and decide I like or dont like these guys. I'd recommend listening to multiple songs and take it all it. There's a going on within the songs.

The CD was just release in early February and is FREE via bandcamp (https://volaband.bandcamp.com/album/inmazes name your own price...of course if you listen to it and want to support the band I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

In my opinion quite an up and coming band and very promising debut.

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Checking this out today. So much to like about this, yet so much that is unlikable. Not sure if I can get past the "unlikable" bits...
I have a not too dissimilar reaction, for what it's worth. By all rights I should love this album. I like it. There's just something about it that's a bit off. Something that doesn't land where one would expect.
At first I was very put off by this record just by the odd guitar sound and unorthodox guitar work, but after a few listens it clicked. And I mean really clicked. The guy's voice is fucking awesome and he writes some mesmerizing vocal lines. The album was easily my sleeper hit of the year last year as virtually no one heard it or talked about it, save a few reviewers. Definitely one of the best debuts I've heard in recent years.