Vornagar songs posted!!!

Nov 26, 2003

holy shit, Im in love :worship:

stop the video first to hear the songs
this shite is sooooooo fucking good, I cant stop listening to it
when they first posted the video I watched that over and over

heres a bulletin from Vornagar today:

so check it out. VORNAGAR. just recorded a cd. and we got it mastered TODAY and soon it'll be online to download for free. cuz fuck selling it. we r fucking playing music and making music to have fun! we spent a lot of $$$$$ to make it!! but you know what? fuck money. if people like us they'll support us. they'll buy whatever we have. if you just want to download it, burn it onto a cd and PASS it around, FUCKING GO for it. we are just trying to get our NAME out there!