VoS + TDR = SlickEQ

Thanks for posting this. Been wanting VoS on my Mac forever. Sheeeeeeeeit.

edit: just put it on my guitars to add a boost in the high mids. The "deep" setting sounds fantastic for this. Complements the air of the boost with some low-frequency heft that's subtle enough to make it sound as if it was baked into the amp settings. Really nice stuff.
This is great, only had a quick run thru but even huge boosts sound good. Got to dive into this one a bit more, but the auto gain feature is brilliant. Love when good stuff comes in the middle of a project ;)
Really nice one !
Can't believe it's free.

All of the different colors (American, British, German, Soviet) and the different operation types are pure WIN.

Tried it on low end boost on bass, and on mid boost and hi shelf air boost on vocals and lead guitars, it was always sounding great.

Dudes, check out the Feedback compressor from TDR, it's so fucking nice too.
Hope to see more releases from this 2 companies in the future.