VOS Thrillseeker XTC

Briefly tried it on a masterbus, and so far I've liked what I heard :)
The low boost is very usable and has a nice warm thickness to it. The mid and air band were also sweet. Not harsh at all. I haven't experimented with the gain/mojo yet, but so far so good! Then again, I didn't expect any different from a VOS plugin. Their freeware plugins are just as good, if not better than some expensive variants.

BTW, for people that don't like to read the manual and stuff, there is a black and a blue version in the package. The black version is for your average mixing levels (-18dBFS rms) and the blue one for "hotter levels".
fuck me for visiting the kvr challenge page, i'm just stuck downloading a bunch of shit. lol. check out the c64 sampler!

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO, I did the SAME EXACT THING! Desktop is full of random zip files and exe's, hahaha. LOVE IT.

Some of this stuff looks fuckin' GREAT!
Bumping this one to hear what you guys think of it. I'm loving what it does on everything. But using two separate instances on duplicated tracks, like we often do with bass tracks around here, it becomes a phaser. Very unfortunate in my opinion and I hope this is just a bug.
I like what it does with amp sims. Adds a nice trebley bite without being too harsh. Same thing with Ignite's Pultec. Proximity adds a cool cab like feel.